I hope everyone had a restful weekend before Thanksgiving and Black Friday!
Did anyone go thrifting? I scored a few things for yself and for my Etsy store.
I went to a local thrift shop this weekend and found 10 vintage holiday napkins for only $2.98 They are perfect for my Christmas Eve dinner table! I even found a craft online to make napkin rings from jingle bells! And three really pretty vintage Readers Digest books and a vintage cross stitch NOEL for my Etsy shop.
And a local Antique shop had a holiday open house where I bought a vintage rolling pin with red handles. The owner had it tied with a really cute Christmas plaid ribbon, so it will look perfect on my kitchen counter for the holidays! I also found a red vintage metal tin with white Santas on it. I plan to put an evergreen plant in it.
I was only able to take a few photos before my battery died on my camera, so I pulled a few photos from other sites too.